
Understanding Static Variables in Rust

Hello there, I hope you are doing ok. Today I would like to talk about static variables in Rust, compare them with static variables in C++ and also try to reason about the rules imposed by Rust on static variables.


Static variable are variables declared with a static keyword and represent a specific global memory location (They are also known as global variables). Static variables have static life-time, a static life-time never goes out of scope and is guaranteed to out live any other variable. Meaning even if they are declared inside a scope their life-time does not begin or end with the scope.

fn func() -> &'static i23 {
   // global variable, same global memory location for every call.
   static SOMETHING: i32 = 0;

   return &SOMETHING;

// every call to func() returns reference to same memory location.

In Rust,

  • static variables must be initialized at compile-time (Meaning they cannot be initialized with state which can only be known at runtime),
  • The type of static variable must have the Sync trait bound (Meaning the type should be safe to share between threads, Sync is an automatically derived trait with some exceptions) and
  • mutating a static variable is only possible in an unsafe context.

In this post we’ll try to reason about these rules that are imposed by Rust on the static variables and also talk about why such rules are important.

// OK - 0 can be known at complete time.
static SOME_THING: i32 = 0;

// Error heap allocation is only possible in runtime.
static MEM: Box<i32> = Box::new(0)

To understand rules behind static variables let us take a short dive into the land of assembly.

Land of Assembly

Rust is a native language that compiles down to assembly. An assembly program is generally divided into three sections:

  • data
  • bss
  • text

The data section contains all the initialized static variables with their initial value, bss section contains all uninitialized/zero-initialized static variables and finally the text section contains all our code in assembly. You can read more about assembly layout here. (This stuff is platform dependent so take it with a grain of salt.)

Back to Rust

Rust does not allow uninitialized static variables. So, the data, bss section may contain either initialized or zero-initialized static variables. Also, since assembly is generated after compiling the Rust code and the assembly must contain static variables in special sections, the static variable must be initialized at compile time.

This does not mean you cannot have static variable that stores a state which can only be known at runtime. This just means that you need to initialize static with compile-time known state or value. There is an easy way to store a value that can only be known at runtime utilizing a enum (variant) or something like Option<T> by setting them to a compile-time known value and updating them later at runtime.

// Ok - initialized with compile-time known state/value.
static mut MEM: Option<Box<i32>> = None;

// ....... somewhere ........ //

// Ok
unsafe { MEM = Some(Box::new(5)) };

It is not recommended to use mutable static since it is quite easy to run into an undefined behavior with it.
I recommend using lazy_static instead or checking end part of this article for slightly better implementation.

As one of Rust’s goals is to make concurrency bugs harder to run into, reading or writing a mutable static is unsafe because static variables are shared between threads and a mutable static might run into race conditions in a concurrent program. This is why it is particularly important to guard a mutable static with lock. Also, for same reasons the type of non-mutable static variable should only allow thread safe access.

Let us now move our focus to C++.

Static Initialization in C++

C++ allows initialization of a static variable even with a state which can only be known at runtime. This is possible mainly because of two reasons:

  • First, C++ allows uninitialized variables.
  • Second, C++ can do static initialization in runtime before main executes if necessary.

Since C++ can carry out static initialization before the main method executes, it might lead to an extremely hard to detect problem known as the static initialization order fiasco. It is also not clear if a variable is being initialized at compile time or at runtime. C++20 solves this problem with constinit, which makes sure that a static variable can be initialized at compile-time. That being said, there is still no solution for the static initialization fiasco in C++.

struct Test {
   // unique_pointer is a smart pointer similar to Box in rust.
   static unique_pointer<ComplexType> st_ptr;

// make_unique is similar to Box::new().
// This runs before main to initialized static st_ptr.
Test::st_tpr = make_unique(ComplexType());

In C++ local static variables (static variables declared inside a function, whose value is persistent across function calls) are initialized by the first function call, because of which they need to be implicitly provided with a lock guard by the compiler. This helps to avoid any race conditions that might occur during initialization, when two or more threads try to initialize the same local static variable.

auto some_function() -> ComplexType {
   // First call to some_function initializes ct.
   // Other calls will share the same ct initialized by the first call.
   // Compiler adds lock guard to avoid any race conditions.
   static ComplexType ct = ComplexType();

   return ct;

Rust solves all these issues that C++ suffers from by making mutable static variables unsafe and at the same time, allowing static variables to be initialized only with a state which can be known during compile-time.

fn some_function() -> SomeStruct {
   // st is initialized at compile-time (data section set)
   // all call share same st.
   static SomeStruct st = SomeStruct{ a: 0 };

   return st;

Hence, when it comes to static variables, Rust has fairly good reasons to impose the restrictions on how a static variable can be initialized. However, we can easily bypass these restrictions and store pretty much anything in a static variable safely with the help of lock and proper abstraction.

Better Example

As promised, here is a better example for static variable that stores a value which can be only known at runtime. Try it live on godbolt.

use std::sync::Once;
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::hint::unreachable_unchecked;

struct Test {
  pub a : Box<i32>,

fn get_static() -> &'static Test {

   // struct that stores our data + a lock guard
   struct Stt {
      data: Cell<Option<Test>>,
      once: Once // lock guard to make sure static is set only once

   // static variable type must have the Sync trait bound.
   // and we also make sure that Stt can only be accessed in a thread safe manner.
   unsafe impl Sync for Stt {}

   // static variable
   static A: Stt = Stt{data: Cell::new(None), once: Once::new() };

   // lock, call_once makes sure that the block is execute only once
   A.once.call_once(|| {

      // init static with a state at runtime - Heap allocation
      A.data.set(Some(Test{a: Box::new(5)}));

   // get reference, dereferencing a raw pointer is unsafe
   let v = unsafe { match *A.data.as_ptr() {
      Some(ref a) => a,
      None => {
         // unreachable code, we are sure that data is never None

   return v;

pub fn main() {
   let a = get_static(); // reference to static
   let b = get_static(); // another reference to static

In this example, we are using Cell<T> instead of mut static in order to update the state of the static variable once at runtime (on the first function call). This is much safer than the mutable static approach, we are also using a lock guard to avoid any race conditions.

Also, since Rust doesn’t automatically derive Sync trait for our type Stt because of Cell<T>(Cell<T> is not thread safe type). We have to implement the Sync trait manually, and make sure that our type Stt can only be accessed in a thread safe manner.

As I mentioned earlier, you should use lazy_static. Under the hood, behind all its macro magic lazy_static also uses similar approach.


Static variables in Rust are quite different from programming language such as C++, because they can be used in a much safer way. At first, it may seem like the Rust’s static variables are somewhat limited but with the help of library like lazy_static, we can utilize static safely and effectively.

This is my first blog post, so I would love to receive some feedback. You can reach me at